If you would like to donate sats, feel free to use any of the following:

  • carnhofdaki@strike.me strike.me/carnhofdaki
  • Using Elements (Liquid) straight to lq1qqw67s8tke0eqetx0r42pt8ttfutnuqt5nannf266c3a5e20z764h0y3g4y4x3c5t09fcvf0jzctt7lqrrxjqxzx65keaahst3 (see it on liquid.network)
  • Dump any kind of on-chain Bitcoin by sending it to bc1qfmq2s0vf0na8vda8ugyknqlnfec3a9z80m55y9rrmpet4rd83y3swrkney (see QR here or see the address on mempool.space) - from there the output gets pegged into blue-ribbon confidential pegin transactions (soon to be discounted)
  • coinos.io/anyone