# on receiving block 215316 here
$ date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
# as written in the block header

$ uptime   # since last reboot
 23:02:27 up 55 days, 16:20,  0 users,  load average: 0.21, 0.39, 0.55

$ battery.sh
95%, Power Supply Online

$ uname -smnr
Linux singer 6.6.37-0-lts x86_64

$ grep ^MemAvailable /proc/meminfo
MemAvailable:    1965000 kB

$ du -h -d1 .bitcoin/signet
373M	.bitcoin/signet/indexes
84M	.bitcoin/signet/wallets
2.1G	.bitcoin/signet/blocks
277M	.bitcoin/signet/chainstate
123M	.bitcoin/signet/electrs
3.0G	.bitcoin/signet

$ df -h .
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3       912G  770G  142G  85% /

$ bitcoind --version
Bitcoin Core version v28.99.0-4835bba2cb13
Copyright (C) 2009-2024 The Bitcoin Core developers

Please contribute if you find Bitcoin Core useful. Visit
<https://bitcoincore.org/> for further information about the software.
The source code is available from <https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin>.

This is experimental software.
Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING
or <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>

$ BC=$(bitcoin-cli -signet getblockcount); echo $BC

$ BH=$(bitcoin-cli -signet getblockhash 215316); echo $BH

$ bitcoin-cli -signet getblockheader $BH
  "hash": "000000d6308045ccb7498bc14f3581f371166bcbdca8a994c2c02274bcc69f92",
  "confirmations": 1,
  "height": 215316,
  "version": 536870912,
  "versionHex": "20000000",
  "merkleroot": "a10ca8a552717a28602024c8e5c3112c448490f0bdc7ed17dc08b5b057b55d3c",
  "time": 1727564540,
  "mediantime": 1727561311,
  "nonce": 63090709,
  "bits": "1e01554d",
  "difficulty": 0.002929922215673034,
  "chainwork": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000270ead5ed30",
  "nTx": 6,
  "previousblockhash": "0000011b2c8fdeada31c1a84ab159568ccfcf0137113b176041a95811ef146cb"

$ echo $BH | tr 0 . | fold -w 4 | paste -d " " - - - -
.... ..d6 3.8. 45cc
b749 8bc1 4f35 81f3
7116 6bcb dca8 a994
c2c. 2274 bcc6 9f92

$ : Following was the shortform
$ : from which shortkode came
$ last=${BH#${BH%????}}
$ a=$(echo $BH | cut -b-60 \
  | fold -w 4 \
  | grep -Ev '^(0000|[^0]{4})$')
$ R=$(echo $a $last | cut -b-20)
$ printf "%s sf: " $BC
$ { echo $R | grep "$last$" \
  || echo $R M; } | tr "0\n" ". "
215316 sf: ..d6 3.8. c2c. 9f92 

$ : Following is the shortkode
$ last=${BH#${BH%????}}
$ nz=$(echo $BH | fold -w 4 \
  | grep -cE '^[^0]{4}$')
$ z=$(echo $BH | fold -w 4 \
  | grep -c '^0000$')
$ printf "%s sk: " $BC
$ printf "%s %x" $last \
  $(((${nz}<<4)+${z})) \
  | tr "0\n" ". "; echo
215316 sk: 9f92 c1

$ niceblack.sh $BH $BC
        #####    #   ####### 
       #     #  ##   #       
             # # #   #       
        #####    #   ######  
       #         #         # 
       #         #   #     # 
       ####### #####  #####  

        #####    #    #####  
       #     #  ##   #     # 
             # # #   #       
        #####    #   ######  
             #   #   #     # 
       #     #   #   #     # 
        #####  #####  #####  

  ,---   .123 4567 89ab cdef   ---,
  | ..   .... ..d6 3.8. 45cc   .f |
  | 1.   b749 8bc1 4f35 81f3   1f |
  | 2.   7116 6bcb dca8 a994   2f |
  | 3.   c2c. 2274 bcc6 9f92   3f |
  '===   ==== ==== ==== ====   ==='
   sk:   9f92 c1

$ bitcoin-cli -signet getmempoolinfo
  "loaded": true,
  "size": 1,
  "bytes": 154,
  "usage": 1184,
  "total_fee": 0.00000154,
  "maxmempool": 300000000,
  "mempoolminfee": 0.00000100,
  "minrelaytxfee": 0.00000100,
  "incrementalrelayfee": 0.00001000,
  "unbroadcastcount": 0,
  "fullrbf": true

# current and previous two
$ bitcoin-cli -signet getnetworkhashps -1

$ bitcoin-cli -signet getnetworkhashps -1 213695

$ bitcoin-cli -signet getnetworkhashps -1 211679

$ bitcoin-cli -signet gettxoutsetinfo muhash
  "height": 215316,
  "bestblock": "000000d6308045ccb7498bc14f3581f371166bcbdca8a994c2c02274bcc69f92",
  "txouts": 3922938,
  "bogosize": 317493430,
  "muhash": "dcb1a16f1ddfee88d991a226d9cbbe4eb32c883ad33b7a45354a30a507585bb7",
  "total_amount": 10632628.19914825,
  "total_unspendable_amount": 296.80085175,
  "block_info": {
    "prevout_spent": 19560.41988861,
    "coinbase": 25.00001653,
    "new_outputs_ex_coinbase": 19560.41987208,
    "unspendable": 0.00000000,
    "unspendables": {
      "genesis_block": 0.00000000,
      "bip30": 0.00000000,
      "scripts": 0.00000000,
      "unclaimed_rewards": 0.00000000

$ bitcoin-cli -signet getblockstats 215316
  "avgfee": 330,
  "avgfeerate": 1,
  "avgtxsize": 326,
  "blockhash": "000000d6308045ccb7498bc14f3581f371166bcbdca8a994c2c02274bcc69f92",
  "feerate_percentiles": [
  "height": 215316,
  "ins": 7,
  "maxfee": 860,
  "maxfeerate": 4,
  "maxtxsize": 616,
  "medianfee": 154,
  "mediantime": 1727561311,
  "mediantxsize": 205,
  "minfee": 111,
  "minfeerate": 1,
  "mintxsize": 162,
  "outs": 12,
  "subsidy": 2500000000,
  "swtotal_size": 1631,
  "swtotal_weight": 3860,
  "swtxs": 5,
  "time": 1727564540,
  "total_out": 1956041987208,
  "total_size": 1631,
  "total_weight": 3860,
  "totalfee": 1653,
  "txs": 6,
  "utxo_increase": 5,
  "utxo_size_inc": 505,
  "utxo_increase_actual": 4,
  "utxo_size_inc_actual": 336

$ bitcoin-cli -signet getnettotals
  "totalbytesrecv": 7801837,
  "totalbytessent": 7224221,
  "timemillis": 1727564548324,
  "uploadtarget": {
    "timeframe": 86400,
    "target": 0,
    "target_reached": false,
    "serve_historical_blocks": true,
    "bytes_left_in_cycle": 0,
    "time_left_in_cycle": 0

$ bitcoin-cli -signet -netinfo
Bitcoin Core client v28.99.0-4835bba2cb13 signet - server 70016/Satoshi:28.99.0/

         ipv4   cjdns   total   block
in          0       0       0
out        10       0      10       2
total      10       0      10

Local addresses     port  38333    score      4

$ bitcoin-cli -signet -addrinfo
  "addresses_known": {
    "ipv4": 679,
    "ipv6": 0,
    "onion": 0,
    "i2p": 0,
    "cjdns": 0,
    "total": 679

### v2_peerinfo are in v2_peerinfo-signet.txt